As you may have noticed, it is still missing some projects in our website, but it was not only due to our team be out of time to make it available to you, but because of some changes we are continuously making in our open source code project. However these it won’t affect the code already available to our users and developers.
What is happening is that as the compiler we are using currently, the C++ Builder, is shareware (only 30 days of free use) becoming it a little bit complicated either to young developer or even to auxiliars that don’t have the proper licence of use of this compiler to help us in the development of the projects. Therefore, thinking in the community once more, we’ve decided to gradually adapt our projects to be compiled by another program, this time an open source code program with a fantastic support to the community the Qt.
You certainly won’t notice big changes when talking about the source code of the applications, mainly the ones that runs in Windows, once we’ve maintained the language in which they’re been developed (except the Ninternav project that although hasn’t been officially released, it already have it’s source code in our repository), C++, spite the fact that Qt has a semelhant library as VCL and FMX of C++ Builder, but completly open source and available to any one to use it (under LGPL open source code licence), spite the examples and support available on it’s doc developed by the IDE developer. And then talking about the licenca adopted to our programs, it’ll be still the same currently used in our open source code,
We can even use other free IDEs like the Android Studio, NetBeans, Visual Studio Community, and others, depending on the team’s necessity or the project necessity itself.
The first project that will be adapted will be Microcontador that has the latest stable version already ready for release, and the new source code with the new APIs are already being developed.
We’re always looking for the best to the community and not only for us, therefore and doubt or sugggestion (toward almost everything), just contact us that our team will be waiting for you.
If you are curious about the new platforms and want to know a little bit more of them, you van visit the Qt Open Source (Community) official page and the Visual Studio Community page.
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